Rectangular Placemat - Cherry Blossom Birds

Our durable placemats are Handcrafted in the UK by a family run business using sustainably sourced eucalyptus wood with a protective baked melamine coating and a cork base. They can withstand heat up to 160°c.
SINGLE PLACEMAT (Coordinating Coasters sold separately)
By popular request, we are excited to introduce our new rectangular placemats! The same fabulous quality as all our other melamine boards, these generously sized table mats feature out British garden bird pattern, showcasing hand drawn floral motifs and a delightful Bullfinch, Nuthatch, Coal Tit and Robin, creating a captivating fusion of nature and modern design.
The vibrant, eye-catching pattern adds a pop of colour to your table, creating a lively and inviting dining atmosphere. Perfect for your dining room, sunroom, or conservatory, this design brings a touch of the outdoors into your home.
Please click HERE for the matching coaster.
Perfect for your dining room, sun room or conservatory, this design is sure to bring a bit of the outside into your home.
Crafted from high-quality, durable materials, these placemats are both heatproof and stain-resistant, providing excellent protection for your table against heat and spills. Built to endure everyday use, they offer enduring style and enjoyment. With proper care, these placemats will serve you well for many years.
Designed with a protective baked melamine coating, these versatile placemats provide a hygienic surface for serving crackers, fruits, cheese, and more. From lunchtime meals to elegant wine and cheese nights, these placemats effortlessly combine practicality and vibrant design.
To prevent potential damage, please avoid cutting directly on the placemats with sharp knives, as they are not double-sided like our chopping boards.
Dimensions: 292mm x 216mm x 6mm thick
- Heat Resistant to 160°c
- Stain Resistant durable melamine
- Handcrafted in the UK using sustainable materials
- Wipe Clean (Please do not soak - not dishwasher safe)
- Satin Matt Finish with a non-slip cork backing
- Manufactured using melamine films, FSC eucalyptus wood, bonding papers and FSC cork
- Sustainably sourced and traceable raw materials
- Food-safe
- No formaldehyde within our production process, unlike powdered alternatives
Yes. Our melamine products are 100% Food Safe. To prevent potential damage, please avoid cutting directly on the placemats with sharp knives. Although these mats are very hardwearing, they are not double-sided like our chopping boards and knife marks will be visible.
For our melamine range of products; which currently includes coasters, placemats and cutting boards, our manufacturers use a sustainably forested Eucalyptus Board which is 100% PEFC certified and 100% formaldehyde free. This ensures we provide the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of the future. The cork used on the back of our placemats and coasters is also sustainably farmed in Portugal. All of our materials are sourced as close to the UK as possible, aiming to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.
Rejects and off cuts are used to fuel a local power station, instead of using coal power. Wood dust goes towards compost. The backing paper on the cork is used in packing goods for despatch.
- FSC Certified, acid free tissue paper or paper "bubble wrap" will be used to wrap all of our products.
- Kraft tape which is fully recyclable and free from animal products.
- Biodegradable and Compostable cello bags which are made from vegetable starch.
- Recyclable cardboard envelopes or boxes.
- Sometimes for larger orders, we will reuse packaging.
Bean and Bemble products will be supplied to you beautifully packaged with either our branded belly band, swing tags, label or box, ready for your customers to purchase. We ensure packaging is kept to a minimum without compromising on style, and always use recyclable paper and card for our postal packing materials.
All our branded packaging is manufactured right here in the UK too. We always try to source our packaging as close to home as possible. Orders will usually be sent out in plain brown packaging - yes it isn't as glamorous as we'd like, but it's much easier to recycle! We even use brown paper parcel tape instead of plastic to seal the package!
As a small business, we look for innovative solutions to help us reduce waste, like reusing supplier shipping boxes for wholesale or larger orders - so we're sorry if your order arrives looking a little battered ;) we promise the contents will be totally gorgeous!
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