I have never bought this brand of wax melts before, and added them to my recent purchase to try out. They have a lovely fresh smell and I will definitely buy more.
This is a gorgeous greeting card, with lovely colours and a quality feel to it. I bought it for myself and intend to put it in a frame.
With the tablemats I bought in the same design but different colour. Very solid
Fabulous quality and two gorgeous designs.
Lots of help given via online chat and in the shop. Thank you!
Gorgeous placemats and fabulous quality
The melamine has a subtle sheen and the design is a showstopper!
Bought this tea towel for Thanksgiving ..looking forward to November when it gets its first airing !
I always buy leopard print gifts for my friend and online shopping at this store is just bliss for me . Plenty of leopard print gifts
Good quality paper with lovely vibrant leopard print
Ideal for birthdays, special events etc. Great quality
Perfect size, beautiful print and the little pouch is a great idea
Lovely design, beautiful colours and fantastic quality.
Colourful and unique, lovely thick glossy paper.
Wonderful quality products with great designs.
カラフルな室内装飾品。キッチンおよびダイニングアクセサリー。手作りバッグ。ユニークなグリーティング カード、ギフト、文房具。
すべてのデザイン © Michelle Dodds
ソーシャル メディア、ブログ、または Web サイトで画像を共有またはピン留めする場合は、Bean と Bemble をクレジットしてください。
卸売りに関するお問い合わせは、美しい印刷カタログと価格表のコピー、または Faire Direct リンクをメールでお送りください。
I have never bought this brand of wax melts before, and added them to my recent purchase to try out. They have a lovely fresh smell and I will definitely buy more.
This is a gorgeous greeting card, with lovely colours and a quality feel to it. I bought it for myself and intend to put it in a frame.
With the tablemats I bought in the same design but different colour. Very solid
Gorgeous placemats and fabulous quality
The melamine has a subtle sheen and the design is a showstopper!